Posts Tagged ‘bacon’

I do not think that means what you think it means.

July 24, 2012

My sister sent me some pictures yesterday from vacation, including this one that I had forgotten all about – even though when we took it I laughed so hard I was in tears.

Bee was being a goofball, just a gal trying to have a bacon moustache. (Duh.) Or maybe Gracie asked her for her bacon and she knew exactly what she was doing. Heh.

Why do all the good nights seem to include bacon?

June 28, 2011

Hmmm… I might be onto something here. Bacon = greatness. Or perhaps, bacon = lurve? Maybe some more experimentation is needed. Yes, I think so.

Because Gracie read out loud two chapters of Ramona the Pest:

While I cooked this:

Then I made and we consumed eight delicious slices of french toast and the girls bathed argument-free while I cleaned the kitchen. We topped off the night with dessert and pajamas and an hour of Anne of Green Gables on TV.

Long live summer! And God bless bacon.