Never take love for granted.

Monday feels like it was about a year ago. Okay, so we have good news and not so good news. The good news is that Mom II is getting much better care at the Stroke Center where she’s been transferred. These doctors obviously are the best in their field and we are really, really grateful that things worked out and Mom II was able to scoot her little self over there. After a quick angiogram checked out (don’tcha love the way I made that sound like she was walking to the corner for a cuppa coffee?) (sorry, I use humor to diffuse stressful situations), Mom II was wheeled down for neurosurgery to stop the bleeding in her brain. The Head of Neurosurgery was going to perform the operation and instead of being all, “Oh, she could lose her right brain,” like the last place, we were told that there was a 92%-95% chance that Mom II could pull through with a meaningful recovery. That was good. So, so good.

Even better? She was awake the night before the surgery and, while she was weak on her left side, was able to hold everyone’s hand and tell them she loved them. I’m sure that was a very emotional moment for everyone. I’ve been staying away because I’m sure my presence would cause lots of unnecessary drama, but I am so happy for the Ex’s family that they were able to talk to Mom II before the surgery. Besides, I’m sure I would have cracked jokes at all the wrong times and been asked to leave. But really? That night was great news.

The bad news? Mom had another stroke. She needs to have another surgery. Minimal stay in intensive care is now the entire month of October – and that’s if the complications stop falling out of the sky. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Moms are not supposed to be mortal. For one thing, it scares the crap out of us the children. For another, it’s messing up the curve for when we have to grow up and be the mommies. I am not on that level. I don’t have a cape or super-powers or legendary status. So. Mom II, if you could pretty please just CUT IT OUT and get better already, pleaseandthankyou, because I really cannot keep having breakdowns here there and everywhere. Ahem.

Pretty morose for a Love Thursday post, huh?

But you know what? That’s what Love Thursday is for. It’s for loving the little things, like the cooler temps in the morning and how good your coffee tastes when you sit down at work, and the big things like when your daughters yell across two rooms and a hallway at daycare, “I LOVE YOU, MOM!” Life is short and you gotta stop, take everything in, and love it all. And hugging those around you a little bit closer probably wouldn’t hurt, either. These crazy rides are so damn short, after all.  Happy Love Thursday, everyone.

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5 Responses to “Never take love for granted.”

  1. Madame Queen Says:

    You brought tears to my eyes today. Thanks for reminding me to tell those I love how much they mean to me.

  2. Kathy Says:

    Tears here too. And a huge sigh of relief, a prayer of thanks and continued prayers for healing and strength.

  3. margie Says:

    am i understanding this? your mom had another stroke as well? oh my, if correct then you really do need a huge big hug.

  4. Gayle Says:

    Oh, Katie. I’m sending bunches of hugs and prayers. I hope that today and the coming weeks bring good things and plenty of healing.

  5. burghbaby Says:

    Thinking of you and all the family. Hopefully things get better soon.

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