Love isn’t always all that complicated.

Sometimes love is romance and stories you can’t wait to tell your girlfriends the next day. Sometimes it’s a milestone your child has finally accomplished. Sometimes it’s a shared laugh while you’re snuggled under the covers with your adorable little ones. This week, love was simply gratitude.

Gratitude for the moments when I felt completely normal.

Gratitude for my friends who listened to my complaints in full detail, replete with waaaaay too many icky adjectives. And still offered comfort.

Gratitude for my boss who waved off my forgiveness for having to take so much time off for doctor’s appointments, and who asked if I had someone to drive me.

Gratitude for the advice to drown myself in water, because it really did help to manage the pain.

Gratitude for everyone who has been so forthcoming with so many personal details about how they manage their IC.

And gratitude for my own smucking drama and imagination, because nothing could really be as bad as I’m making it out. (Although it does really suck.)

But mostly, gratitude for normalcy. I have never placed a high emphasis on normal, but man, do I ever treasure those moments now. So much that I wanted to mention it twice!

Happy Love Thursday everyone! Shout with joy from the rooftops about your Big Moments, but be sure to appreciate the small ones, too.

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6 Responses to “Love isn’t always all that complicated.”

  1. Musing Says:

    Gratitude is so important. I grow weary of friends who never say Thanks or assume I am only to willing to help them. These friends fall by he wayside in my world.

  2. Se'Lah Says:

    Absolutely !!! I am grateful for life and all the simple joys it brings.

    One Love, Se’Lah

  3. Se'Lah Says:


  4. Kathy Says:

    Lovely! I have to remember to stop and enjoy the little things in life like my child who didn’t want to go to bed last night but just wanted to snuggle. It ended in much screaming and yelling and hissy fits from both sides. Why couldn’t I just enjoy the snuggle?

    What a wonderful boss you have and great friends too! We are just here to help (and make fun of you when necessary).

    Happy Love Thursday.

  5. margie Says:

    and that’s what friends are for. feel better.

  6. The If Question with the telegram. « Can’t Get There From Here Says:

    […] Can’t Get There From Here …and that is why I’ve created my own little universe. Pull up a chair. « Love isn’t always all that complicated. […]

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